[1] Upon the fiue and twentith day of Ianuarie also, Matth. Paris. A strange tempest at London. while the bishop of London was at high masse with|in the church of S. Paule in London, a sudden dark|nesse ouershadowed the quiere, and therewith such a tempest of thunder and lightning,Sée Iohn Stow, pag. 261. of his large collectiõ printed 1580. that the people there assembled thought verelie the church and stée|ple had come downe vpon their heads. There came moreouer such a filthie sauour and stinke withall, that partlie for feare, and partlie for that they might not abide the sauour, they voided the church, falling on heapes one vpon another, as they sought to get out of the same. The vicars and canons forsooke their deskes, so that the bishop remained there onelie with one deacon that serued him at masse. Afterward, when the aire began to cleare vp, Matth. Paris. the people returned into the church, and the bishop went forward and fi|nished the masse.