[1] [2] On the other side, the bishops suffragans to the church of Canturburie obiected also against him, that he had vsed the familiar companie of a nunne, and begot of hir certeine children. Moreouer they al|ledged, that no election without their consent, could be good, nor ought to take place. But the moonke making his appeale, stood in it, and taking with him certeine of his fellow moonks of Canturburie,A new trou|ble about the election of the archbishop of Canturburie. went to Rome, and there made supplication to the pope, that his election by his authoritie might be ratified and confirmed. Whereof the king and the other bi|shops being aduertised, did put their obiections in writing vnder their seales, & sent the same to Rome to be exhibited to the pope by the bishops of West|chester and Rochester, and Iohn the archdeacon of Bedford, who vsed such means, that his election was iudged void, & then the said Richard Wethersheid was out of hand elected & confirmed. In that yeare also, Fabian. a grant was made to the citizens of London, that they should haue and vse a common seale.