Snippet: 96 of 539 (1587, Volume 6, p. 210)
Stephan arch+bishop of Can|turburie de|parted this life.
Richard We|thersheid ele|cted in his place.
Matth. Paris. Walter Hel|mesham.
Furthermore, vpon the ninth of Iulie Stephan the archbishop of
Canturburie died, after he had go|uerned that sée the terme of 21 yeares,
after whome succéeded Richard Wethersheid deane of Paules, who was the thrée
and fortith archbishop of that sée. The moonks of Canturburie had first
elected one of their owne conuent, named
Walter de Helme|sham: which election was made by the same moonks the third
daie of August next insuing the death of their said archbishop Stephan, but
the king would not consent that he should haue the place for diuerse causes,
which he obiected: as first, for that he knew him to be such a man as should
be vnprofitable, both to him and to his kingdome. Secondlie, bicause his
father was a theefe, and thereof being conuict, suffe|red death vpon the
gallowes. Thirdlie, for that he himselfe had
stood against king Iohn in time of the interdiction.