[1] When the French affaires were thus at a staie, within a few moneths after, Richard earle of Corne|wall returned foorth of Gascoigne into England, and shortlie after,The earle of Cornewall re|turneth home. Matth. Paris. bicause he heard and was crediblie in|formed, that a certeine manour place which Wale|rane the Duchman, capteine of Berkamstéed castell held, by the gift and assignement of king Iohn, ap|perteined to his earledome of Cornewall, he seized the castell into his hands.The earle of Cornewall. So that Walerane being thus dipossessed, exhibited his bill of complaint to the king, who incontinentlie sent to the earle, comman|ding him to make restitution, which he vtterlie refu|sed to doo. But foorthwith, comming to the king, and without reteining any aduocate, he declared his right which he offered to auerre in open presence, & in any of the kings courts, before whatsoeuer péeres of the realme should be there assembled.