[1] The clergie resorting togither to take aduise what answer they should make, at length vpon their re|solute determination,The answer of Iohn the archdeacon of Bedford. Iohn the archdeacon of Bed|ford was appointed to tell the tale for them all: who comming before the cardinall, declared boldlie vnto him, that the demand which he had proponed, touched the king especiallie, and generallie all the nobilitie of the realme, which were patrons of anie churches. He added furthermore, how the archbishops and bi|shops, and manie other of the prelats of England (si|thens the king by reason of his sickenesse could not be there) were also absent, so that they which were there present, being but as it were the inferiour part of the house, neither might nor ought to make anie resolute answer as then in this matter. Immedi|atlie herewith also came the lord Iohn Marshall, and other messengers from the king vnto all the prelats that held anie baronies of the king, streightlie com|manding them, that they should in no wise bind and indanger his laie fée vnto the church of Rome, where|by he might be depriued of his due and accustomed seruices, and so euerie man herevpon departed and went home.