[1] Matt. Westm. Matth. Paris. The cardi|nals request.¶ Here by diuerse credible writers of good credit, it should appeare, that the pope demanded to haue assig|ned vnto him out of euerie cathedrall church two pre|bends, one out of the portion belonging to the bishop, & an other out of the portion belonging to the deane and chapiter: and likewise of the abbeies, where there were seuerall portions, that is to saie, so much of the conuent as belonged to the finding of one moonke, and as much also of euerie abbats liuing as should counteruaile the same. The cardinall vsed iollie per|suasions to induce the prelats to assent to this grant, alledging that the church of Rome was run in great slander for taking of monie in dispatch of suiters causes, which arose by meanes there was no mainte|nance of liuing sufficient for the churchmen there: and therefore he added, how it was the parts of na|turall children to releeue the necessitie of their louing mother, and that except the charitable deuotion of them and other good and well disposed persons were shortlie extended, they should want necessarie main|tenance for the sustentation of their liues, which shuld be altogither an vnséemelie thing for the dignitie of the Romane church.