[1] Anno Reg. 9. A parlement.King Henrie holding his Christmasse at West|minster, called his high court of parlement there the same time, and demanded a reléefe of monie, toward the maintenance of his warres in France, and had granted to him the fiftéenth penie in value of all the mooueable goods to be found within the realme,A fiftéenth granted to the king. as well belonging to the spiritualtie as temporaltie, but vnder condition that he should confirme vnto his subiects their often demanded liberties. The king vpon desire to haue the monie, was contented to condescend vnto their requests, and so the two char|ters were made, and by the king confirmed, the one intituled Magna Charta, & the other Charta de For|resta. Magna Charta and Charta de Forresta confirmed. Thus at this parlement were made and con|firmed these good lawes and laudable ordinances, which haue beene from time to time by the kings and princes of this realme confirmed, so that a great part of the law now in vse dependeth of the same. The same charters also were directed and sent foorth into euerie countie within the realme to be pro|claimed.