[1] [2] [3] [4] But Polydor Virgil writeth, that now after that Sauerie de Mauleon was become the French king his man,The Poicto|uins send to king Henrie. the Poictouins sent vnto king Henrie, sig|nifieng, that they were readie to reuolt from the French kings subiection, and yéeld themselues vnto him, if he would send vnto them a power of men to defend their countrie from the French men. Now king Henrie hauing receiued these letters, intertei|ned them that brought this message verie courteous|lie, and promising them to send ouer aid with all ex|pedition, he caused his nauie to be made readie for that voiage. In the meane time, the French king sent foorth an armie vnder the leading of Sauerie de Mauleon, who then tooke Niort and Rochell, placing in the same sundrie garrisons of souldiers,Rochel woon. but chéefe|lie he fortified Rochell, which had beene long in the Englishmens hands, and alwaies serued them to verie good purpose, for the handsome landing of their people, when any occasion required. The French king therefore hauing got it, fortified it, and meant to kéepe it, to the intent the Englishmen should not haue hereafter in time of warre, so necessarie a place for their arriuall in those coasts. Matth. Paris.