[1] Howbeit at length the foresaid Fouks, hauing obteined his purpose at Rome (by meanes of his chapleine Robert Paslew an Englishman,The end of Fouks [...] Brent. who was his sollicitor there) as he returned towards Eng|land in the yeare insuing, was poisoned and died by the waie, making so an end of his inconstant life, which from the time that he came to yeares of discre|tion was neuer bent to quietnes. Which may be re|ported of him, not to his honour or renowme (for a|las what same is gotten by giuing occasions of euill) but to his euerlasting shame and infamie, for the same shall neuer die, but remaine in perpetuall me|morie, as one saith right well,

H [...]minum immortalis est infamia,Plaut. in P [...]sa.
Etiam tunc viuit cùm essecredas m [...]rtuam.