[1] And now fearing to be punished therefore by or|der of law he shewed his malice against such as had the execution of the same lawes chieflie in their hands. Herevpon he tooke prisoner Henrie Bra [...]|broke, one of the kings iustices of his bench, and led him to his castell of Bedford, and there shut him vp close [...] his lawfull prisoner. Indeed the said Henrie de Braibroke, Matth. Paris. Henrie Brai|broke taken by Fouks de Brent, and imprisoned. with Martine de Pateshull, Thomas de Multon, and other of the kings iustices were come to kéepe their circuit at Dunstable. Where, vp|on information giuen and presented before them, Fouks de Brent was condemned to the king in great [...] of monie. Wherewithall this Fouks tooke such indignation and displeasure, that he com|manded his men of warre which laie in the castell of Bedford, to ride vnto Dunstable, and there to appre|hend the said iustices, and to bring them vnto Bed|ford, where (as he said) he meant to commen further with them. But they hauing knowledge of his pur|pose, fled quicklie out of the towne, séeking to escape euerie man which waie he might best deuise. How|beit, the souldiers vsed such diligence, that Henrie de Braibroke fell into their hands, & so was brought captiue to Bedford as their maister had comman|ded them.