[1] Matth. Paris. Matt. Westm. Fouks de Brent an eni|mie to rest and quietnesse.About the same time Fouks de Brent, being a man of an vnquiet mind, readie to mischiefe and lo [...]h to liue in peace (as some saie) conspired against the king of England, and aduertised the king of France that if he would boldlie begin the warres against king Henrie in France, he would not faile but raise warre against him here in the middest of his realme of England, hauing diuerse noble men in a readi|nesse, that would willinglie take his part. But how soeuer it fell out, certeine it is that this Fouks ha|uing fortified his castell of Bedford, attempted ma|nie enterprises greatlie to the preiudice of the kings peace, aswell in robbing and spoiling the countrie a|bout him, as otherwise.