[1] Herevpon therefore assembling a great power about him, he demanded of Ranulph earle of Chester the restitution of certeine lordships which ancientlie apperteined to the crowne of the realme,The king de|manded resti|tution of par|cels of inheri|tance belon|ging to the crowne. which earle not being as then able to resist, readilie obeied the kings pleasure, and resigned them all. By this en|trance of the king into the execution of his purposeî€ diuerse of the rest of the barons were brought into such feare, that they were contented also to doo the like, so that by this meanes the lords being cut short and weakened in power, surceased as then from mo|lesting the king anie further with the demand of o|ther lands or liberties.