[1] This yeare also was the building of the stéeple be|longing to the church of S. Paule in London fini|shed. And this yeare also vpon saint Iames day the citizens of London kept a plaie of defense and wre|stling at the hospitall of saint Iames, Matth. Paris. against other their neighbours of the suburbes, and the quarters next ad [...]ning. In the end whereof it so fortuned, that the Londoners had the vpper hand: Matt. Paris. Matt [...]. West. and amongst other that were put to the foile, the steward of the ab|bat of Westminster with his folkes went awaie with the worst, to their great gréefe. Wherevpon the same steward deuised an other game of wrestling to be holden at Westminster on Lammas day next following, and that whosoeuer could get the vpper hand there, should haue a ram for the price, which the steward had prepared.A [...] wedder some saie.