[1] [2] This yeare deceassed Henrie de Boun earle of Hereford, Anno Reg. 5. 1121 and Saer de Quincie earle of Winche|ster in their iournie which they made into the holie land. Also the same yeare the preests or canons that inhabited within the kings castell of old Salisburie, remooued with the bishops sée vnto new Salisburie,Salisburie. which by the king was made a citie. The bishop Ri|chard procured this remoouing, through the kings helpe, who was verie willing therevnto, as it séemed by his charters largelie granted in that behalfe. Af|ter this, Matth. Paris. king Henrie held his Christmasse at Oxen|ford, at what time William de Fortz earle of Albe|marle meaning to trouble the kings peace,The earle of Albemarle. and to set things in a new broile, departed from the court in the night season, without leaue or licence, and hasted with all spéed vnto the castell of Biham,The castell of Biham. where he as|sembled a sort of youthfull persons, giuen to lewd de|meanor, and wearie of quietnesse (as to whome theft and robberies were verie plesant) by whose helpe he spoiled diuers townes and villages about him, as Tenham and Deping, with others.