[1] [2] [3] The same yeare also was the bodie of Thomas archbishop of Canturburie translated, Matth. Paris. and Hugh bi|shop of Lincolne canonized for a saint. Matth. Paris. In like man|ner in the vigile of Peter and Paule, the king find|ing the castels of Rokingham and Sauueie at that present vnpurueied of victuals, tooke the same into his hands against the will of William of Albemarle which before held the same. ¶ This yeare also was a proclamation made in London, Ran. Higd. A proclamati|on to auoid strangers. and throughout all the realme, that all strangers should auoid the land before the feast of saint Michaell then next following except those that came with merchandize. Further|more Ranulph earle of Chester, after he was come from the holie land, began to build the castels of Chartleie and Béeston,The castles of Chartley & Béeston built. Ran. Higd. and afterward he also builded the abbeie of Dieu Lencresse, commonlie called Delacresse of the white order. Toward his charges susteined about the building of which castels and ab|beie, he tooke toll throughout all his lordships of all such persons as passed by the same with any cattell, chaffre or merchandize.