[1] [2] About the same time also he began the building of the new worke of the church at Westminster.The new church of Westm. begun. In which meane time the citie of Damieta afore menti|oned, was woone by the christian princes, Anno. Reg. 4. Matth. West. The earle of Chester retur+neth home. Polydor. and Ra|nulph earle of Chester returned home, leauing the earle of Arundell with a great number of souldiors behind him there in aid of the christians against the Saracens, which dailie attempted the recouerie of the same. Moreouer, in the yeare insuing, which was of our lord 1220, and vpon the seauenteenth day of Maie being Whitsunday, the king was eftsoones so|lemnelie crowned at Westminster,The K. crow|ned the second time. to the end it might be said, that now after the extinguishment of all seditious factions, he was crowned by the gene|rall consent of all the estates and subiects of his realme.