[1] [2] The next yeare, which was after the birth of our lord 1219, Anno Reg. 3. 1219 William Marshall the foresaid earle of Penbroke died, gouernour both of the realme and also of the kings person,The deceasse of the earle of Penbroke. a man of such worthinesse both in stoutnesse of stomach and martiall know|lege, as England had few then liuing that might be compared with him. He was buried in the new tem|ple church at London vpon the Ascension day.He is buried in the temple church. The same yeare also Wallo or Guallo the legat retur|ned to Rome, and Pandulph, who (as before is expres|sed) did the message so stoutlie from pope Innocent to king Iohn,Pandulph made bishop of Norwich. was also made bishop of Norwich.