[1] [2] Soone after this, Ranulph earle of Chester was sent into the holie land by king Henrie, with a good|lie companie of souldiers and men of warre, to aid the christians there against the infidels, Matt. Paris. The earle of Chester goeth into the holie land. which at the same time had besieged the citie of Damieta in Ae|gypt, in which enterprise the valiancie of the same earle after his comming thither, was to his great praise most apparant. There went with him in that iournie Saer de Quincie earle of Winchester, William de Albenie earle of Arundell, besides di|uerse barons, as the lord Robert Fitz Walter, Iohn constable of Chester, William de Harecourt, and O|liuer Fitzroie sonne to the king of England,Sonne to K. Iohn belike. and di|uerse other.