[1] Besides the foresaid Fouks de Brent, there were other of the Nobilitie also which practised the like dis|order, as William earle of Albemarle, Robert de Ueipount, Brian de Lisle, Hugh de Balioll, Philip de Marc, and Robert de Gaugi, the which Robert withheld the castell of Newarke that belonged to the bishop of Lincolne, and would not deliuer it, till the king with William Marshall erle of Penbroke had laine at siege before it an eight daies,The castell of Newarke re|stored to the bishop of Lin|colne. in the end of which terme by mediation of fréends the matter was taken vp, and the bishop recouered his castell, paieng to the said Robert de Gaugi an hundred pounds sterling for the victuals which he left within the same castell.