[1] [2] Matth. Paris. Eustace the moonke was found amongst the cap|teins, who although he offered great summes of gold for his ransome,Eustace the moonke taken and beheaded. so that he might haue had his life saued, and also to serue king Henrie, yet the English capitoins would none of that: but Richard the ba|stard sonne of king Iohn, tooke him, and cut off his head,

Richard base sonne to king Iohn.

Eustace the moonke what he was.

and sent it vnto king Henrie his brother, as a witnesse of this their atchieued victorie. This Eu|stace was a Fleming borne, and somtime a moonke, but renouncing his cowle to receiue such heritage as fell to him by the death of his brethren, deceassing without issue, he became a notable pirat, and had doone in his dais much mischeefe to the Englishmen, and therefore was now rewarded according to his demerits. For
RarĂ² antecedentem scelestumHor. lib. 3. car. od. 2.
Deseruit pede poena claudo.