[1] The legat ac|curseth Lew|es & his com|plices.The legat being there present also on the fridaie in the Whitsunwéeke aforesaid, reuested in a white albe, accompanied with the cleargie, accursed in so|lemne wise Lewes the French kings sonne, with all his fautours and complices, & especiallie those which held siege before the castell of Lincolne, with all the citie: and the more to incourage all those that should passe foorth in this armie, to raise the siege, he granted to them free remission of all their sins, whereof they were trulie confessed, and by authoritie which he had from almightie GOD, and the apostolike sée, he promised to them the guerdon of euerlasting salua|tion. Herewith when the armie had receiued absolu|tion, and the legats blessing, euerie man marched foorth in his order and place appointed, and comming to Stow, an eight miles from Lincolne, they lod|ged there all night.