[1] Thus whiles the barons with the Frenchmen were much busied about the siege of Lincolne castell, W. Marshall earle of Penbroke, by the aduise of the le|gat Gualo or Walo, and of Peter bishop of Win|chester, and other of the councell with king Henrie, caused summons to be giuen to all capteins and chateleins on the kings part,Summons to raise an ar|mie for the king to be at Newarke vp|on mondaie in Whitsunwéeke, with such power as they might make, from thence to march to Lincolne, there to raise the siege, and deliuer the countrie from imminent oppression. Wherevpon there assembled at the daie and place prefixed, a great puissance of people desirous to fight for the defense of their coun|trie against the Frenchmen and other aduersaries, rebels to the pope, and excommunicated persons, so that when the muster was taken, there was num|bered 400 knights, 250 crossebowes, besides demi|lances and horssemen in great numbers, which for need might haue supplied and serued in stéed of men of armes, being verie well furnished for the purpose, and armed at all points.