[1] Their chiefe capteins were these: Saer de Quin|cie earle of Winchester, Robert Fitzwater, and o|thers, and they did set forward vpon the last of Aprill, which was the mondaie before the Ascension daie, passing through S. Albons, where they lodged the first night, and so to Dunstable, and by the waie such souldiers as were vsed to spoile and pillage, plaied their parts, not sparing to rob and ransacke as well religious houses as other. From Dunstable kée|ping on their iournie northwards, at length they came to Mountsorell, but the earle of Chester and the other lords, aduertised of their approch,The earle of Chester rai|seth his siege. were retired before to Notingham, determining there to abide, till they might vnderstand what waie the enimies would take.