[1] [2] About the same time Ranulfe earle of Chester, William earle of Albermarle, Matth. Paris. The earle of Chester. William earle Fer|rers, Robert de Ueipount, Brian de Lisle, William de Cantlow, Philip de Marc, Robert de Gaugi, Fouks de Brent, & others assembled their powers, and comming to Mountsorell beside Loughborough in Leicestershire,The castell of Mountsorell besieged. besieged the castell there, the cap|teine whereof was one Henrie de Braibroke. This Henrie defended the place right manfully,Henrie Brai|broke. and doub|ting to be in distres by long siege, sent with all spéed to the earle of Winchester,Saer de Quincie erle of Win|chester. Saer de Quincie as then being at London with the Frenchmen, requi|ring him to send some succour to remoue the siege. Herevpon the earle of Winchester, to whom that castell belonged, required Lewes that some conue|nient power might be sent, whereby the siege might be remooued. Wherefore vpon councell taken with deliberate aduise, it was ordeined that an armie should be sent thither with all spéed, not onlie to raise the siege, but also to subdue that countrie vnto the o|bedience of Lewes. Herwith there went out of Lon|don 600 knights, and with them aboue twentie thou|sand men in armour, gréedie (as it seemed) to haue the spoile of other mens goods.