[1] The messengers which Lewes had remaining in the court of Rome, signified vnto him about the same time, that except he departed out of England, the sentence of excommunication, which Gualo or Walo the legat had pronounced against him, should be confirmed by the pope on Maundie thursdaie next insuing. Wherevpon Lewes was the more inclined to yƩeld to the truce before mentioned, that he might in the meane time go ouer into France to his fa|ther, who had most earnestlie written and sent in commandement to him, that in any wise he should returne home to talke with him, and so about mid|lent after the truce was concluded, he prepared him|selfe, and sailed ouer into France, and as Polydor saith (but with what authoritie I know not) the king of Scots went also with him.