[1] [2] Wherefore these considerations sta [...]ed and kept one part of the English lords still in obedience to Lewes, namelie, for that diuerse of the confederats thought that it stood not with their honours so to for|sake him, till they might haue some more honorable colour to reuolt from their promises, or that the mat|ter should be taken vp by some indifferent agrée|ment to be concluded out of hand betwixt them. Her|vpon [page 199] they resorted in like maner vnto London, and there with Lewes tooke councell what was to be doone with their businesse touching the whole state of their cause. ¶Here ye shall note, that before the con|cluding of this last truce, Fouks de Brent the cap|teine of the castell of Bedford gat togither a num|ber of souldiers out of the garrisons [...] the castels of Oxford, Northampton, Bedford, and Windsor, and comming with them to S. Albons the 22 of Februa|rie,S. Albons destroied. he spoiled the towne & abbie, in like maner as he had doone all the townes and villages by the way as he passed through the countrie, from Bedford vnto S. Albons.