[1] [2] Lewes hauing furnished this castell with a suffici|ent garrison, returned backe towards London, and comming to S. Albons, Ma [...]h. P [...]ris. constreined the abbat to giue vnto him foure score marks of siluer, for a fine, [...] recognisance of dooing his homage till the feast of the purification of our ladie next insuing. Which poore abbat was made to beléeue, that he ought to take this dealing to be an act of great courtesie, the earle of Winchester being an earnest meane for him that he might so easilie escape. Bernewe [...]. A truce. About the same time was a generall truce taken betwixt the king and Lewes, and all their partakers, till the 20 day af|ter Christmasse, for the obteining of which truce (as some write) the castell of Berkehamstéed was sur|rendered vnto the same Lewes, as before ye haue heard.