[1] Ye haue heard how Lewes had spent long time in vaine about the besieging of the castell of Douer, for although he plagued them within verie sore, yet Hubert de Burgh and Gerard de Sotigam bare themselues so manfullie, and therwith so politikelie, that their aduersaries could not come to vnderstand their distresse & danger within the castell, in so much that despairing to win it in anie short time, euen be|fore the death of king Iohn was knowne (as some write Lewes was contented to grant a truce to them that kept this castell, till the feast of Easter ne [...]t insuing: but (as it appeareth by other) this truce was not concluded till after the death of king Iohn was signified to Lewes, who greatlie reioising ther|at, supposed now within a short time, to bring the whole realme vnder his subiection: and therefore rai|sing his siege from Douer, in hope to compasse en|terprises of greater consequence, he came backe vn|to the citie of London.