[1] Thither also came Uallo or Guallo the popes le|gat (an earnest defender of the kings cause) with Pe|ter bishop of Winchester, & Iocelin bishop of Bath: also Ranulph earle of Chester, William Ferrers earle of Derbie, Matth. Paris. Iohn Marshall, and Philip de Albe|nie, with diuerse other lords and peeres of the relme, and a great number of abbats and priors, who by and by fell to councell togither what waie should be best to take, for the good order of things now in so doubtfull and perilous a time as this. The péeres of the realme being thus assembled, William earle of Penbroke, bringing the yoong king into their pre|sence, and setting him before them, spake these words following.