[1] [2] He was out of measure giuen to fleshlie lust,His inconti|nencie. and satisfieng of his inordinate concupiscence. For not contented with the vse of his wife, he kept manie concubines, but namelie he delited most in the com|panie of a pleasant damsell, whom he called the Rose of the world (the common people named hir Rosa|mund) for hir passing beautie, propernesse of person, and pleasant wit, with other amiable qualities, be|ing verelie a rare and péerelesse péece in those daies. He made for hir an house at Woodstocke in Oxford|shire,Rosamund his concubine. like a labyrinth, with such turnings and wind|dings in & out as a knot in a garden called a maze, that no creature might find hir nor come to hir, ex|cept he were instructed by the king, or such as were secret with him in that matter. But the common re|report of the people is, that the quéene in the end found hir out by a silken thread, which the king had drawne after him out of hir chamber with his foot, and dealt with hir in such sharpe and cruell wise, that she liued not long after. She was buried in the nun|rie of Goodstow beside Oxford, with these verses vp|on hir toome:
The meaning whereof may be found in Graftons large chronicle, page 77. in an English septenarie.Hîc iacet in tumulo, Rosa mundi non Rosa munda,Non redolet sed olet, quaeredolere solet.