[1] Moreouer, he ordeined that murtherers should suffer death by hanging: and so for other transgres|sours he appointed other kinds of punishments, as some to be condemned to exile, and other to losse of lims, &c: according to the qualitie of the offense com|mitted. And to haue the lawes dulie executed, and iustice vprightlie ministred on all hands, he was so carefull that he tried all orders of men, in placing them in roomes of iustice. And lastlie, trusting to find among the cleargie such as would not be cor|rupted with bribes, nor for respect of feare or freend|ship decline from right iudgement, he chose foorth the bishops of Winchester, Elie,Bishops cho|sen principall iustices. and Norwich to be principall iustices of the relme, so as they might end and determine all matters, except in certeine cases reserued to the hearing of the prince himselfe.