[1] [2] Being thus driuen to leaue the defaced citie of Mauns,Mauns yéel|ded to the French king. Wil. Paruus. he repaired vnto Chinon, the citizens where|of being left destitute of aid, yéelded themselues to the French king, who taking a great pride in his doo|ings for that victorie, passed ouer Loire, and wan the citie of Towrs, wherein he placed a garison, and so hauing sped his businesse with good successe, brought home his armie laden with preies & booties. King Henrie being thus put to the worsse, and not perceiuing anie readie meane how to recouer his losses, Polydor. began to despaire in himselfe, and therefore of necessitie thought it best to séeke for peace, but his suit was in vaine: for the enimie hauing now the aduantage,The earle of Flanders sée|keth to agrée the parties. Matth. Paris. would not grant to agrée vpon any rea|sonable conditions.