[1] The last time of those their meetings was in the WhitsunwÊeke, Matth. Paris. at what time the French king requi|red not onelie to haue his sister Alice deliuered vnto earle Richard for wife, according to the former coue|nants, but also some assurance giuen vnto the same earle Richard, that he should inherit his fathers lands after his deceasse. Also he required that earle Iohn might take vpon him the crosse to passe ouer into the holie land also, for otherwise earle Richard would not go. R. Houed. Howbeit king Henrie would in no wise consent to any of these demands: but yet as some write, he offered thus much vnto king Philip, that if he could be so content, his sonne Iohn should marrie his sister Alice, and inioy with hir all such things as he demanded in preferment of his sonne Richard, and that in more large maner than he had requested the same. But king Philip would none of that.