[1] ¶ Some write, that the cheefest cause which mooued king Henrie to refuse to ioine his sonne earle Ri|chard and the ladie Alice, Polydor. daughter vnto the French king in marriage togither, was, for that he was lin|ked in the combersome chaine of hot burning loue with the same ladie, and therefore he sought all the shifts of excuses & delaies that might be imagined; so that it appeared he had no mind to part with hir. The truth was (as writers affirme) he had alreadie persuaded hir to satisfie his lust, insomuch that he li|ked hir so well, that he ment to be diuorsed from his wife quéene Elianor, and to marrie this yoong ladie, which if he might bring to passe, and haue children by hir, he purposed to disherit those which he had by Elianor, and to make the other which he should haue by Adela his legitimat and lawfull heires. Rog. Houed. Yet before they departed from this communication, a truce was taken to endure till the feast of S. Hilarie. And Henrie bishop of Alba a cardinall that was sent from the pope to end this controuersie betwixt these two mightie princes, accursed Richard earle of Poi|ctou, for that by his meanes the troubles rose and were continued betwixt them.