[1] [2] Afterward, when the earle of Flanders and the earle of Blois with diuerse other earles and barons of the Realme of France, laid their armor aside, pro|testing openlie that they would not put on the same againe to make warre against any christian,A commenda|ble protestati|on and wor|thie to be noted. till they should returne from their iournie which they had vowed into the holie land, the French king destitute of men to serue him, made sute once againe to king Henrie, that they might méet and talke of peace, which was hardlie granted, and so they met on the morrow after saint Faithes daie, or the seauenth of October, at Chatellon, where they entreated of a forme of peace,Castellium. so that the French king should haue restored all that he had taken within the coun|tries belonging to king Henrie, and likewise Ri|chard earle of Poictou should deliuer vp vnto the earle of saint Giles (otherwise called earle of Tho|louse) all that he had taken from him since the breach of the last truce. But when king Henrie would not deliuer the castell of Pascie in pledge to the French king, they departed in sunder (as before) without any thing concluded. The king of France after this tooke the castell of Paiuell.