[1] But see, when the English were fullie bent to pro|secute the warres (with all extremitie) now in hand, there came messengers vnto king Henrie from the French king, requiring him that he would grant a peace to be had betwixt them, with promise that if he would condescend therevnto, that he should receiue by way of restitution all that the French king had now taken from him in Berrie. Herevpon they came to a communication betwixt Trie & Gisors, and when they could not agrée,The two kings come to a treatie. the French king cau|sed a great elme standing betwixt those two places to be cut downe, at which the kings of England and France were accustomed to méet when they treated of matters in controuersie betwixt them,An elme cut downe. swearing that from thencefoorth there should neuer be anie more méetings holden at that place.