[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Now after his comming to land, he repaired vn|to Alencon, increasing his power by gathering vp souldiers and men of warre out of Normandie and other his countries on that side the sea. In the meane time his sonne Richard earle of Poictou entred into Berrie with a mightie armie, and the French king deliuering Chateau Raoull vnto the keeping of sir William de Berres returned into France,Chateau Roux it is called in the French an|nales: but yt chronicles of Aniou name it Chasteau Raoul, and rightlie as I thinke. so that earle Richard spoiled and wasted the lands of those earls and barons which tooke the French part excee|dinglie. The French king kept him as yet within France, and durst not come foorth now after the arri|uall of king Henrie, but manie enterprises were at|chiued by the capteines on both sides. Philip bishop of Beauuois inuading the frontiers of Normandie, burned Blangeuille, belonging to the earle of Angi, and the castell Albemarle (that belonged to Willi|am de Mandeuille, whereof he bare the title of earle) and wasted the countrie round about. The French king alse came to the towne of Trow, and burned it, and tooke 40. men of armes there, but the castell he could not win. On the other part, Richard earle of Poictou tooke a strong place called Les Roches,Sergeants. be|yond Trow towards Uandosme, with 25. men of armes, and 60. yeomen.