[1] [2] Indeed (as Roger Houeden and other doo witnes) the foresaid earle Reimond, and also Aimer earle of Angolesme, Rog. Houed. The nobles of Poictou rebell against earle Richard. Geffrey de Racon, and Geffrey de Lu|signan, with the most part of all the Nobles of Poictou, made warre against earle Richard, and he held tacke against them all, and in the end ouercame them. Amongst other of earle Reimonds part whom he tooke, was one Peter Seille, by whose counsell earle Reimond had taken diuerse merchants of Poictou that were subiects to earle Richard,Peter Seille. & doone manie other displeasures to him and to his countrie, wherefore earle Richard kept this Peter in verie close prison, and would not put him to his ransome: in somuch that earle Reimond tooke two of the king of Englands knights, sir Robert Poer, and sir Ri|chard Fraser, as they were returning from Compo|stella, where they had béene to visit the bodie of S. Iames, but they were quicklie set at libertie by the French kings commandement, for the reuerence of S. Iames whose pilgrims they were.