[1] The French writers impute the fault thereof vn|to English men, and the English writers laie it to French men.Reimond erle of Tholouze. The French writers say, that earle Ri|chard the son of king Henrie in breach of the league, made warre vpon Reimond earle of Tholouze. The English writers reproue the French king as a wic|ked man, in that he should of purpose breake the peace and moue warre against king Henrie, to with|draw him from going to make warre against the Saracens, to the which enterprise he was wholie bent and inclined. Such is the maner of manie wri|ters, who more affectionat to the loue of their coun|trie than to the truth, doo not obserue the law of histo|ries in their writings, but rather inueie one against another in a bralling and reprouing maner.