[1] This doone, king Henrie tooke order also for the le|uieng of the tenth, as well here in England,A tenth leuied as he had doone in the parts subiect to him on the further side the sea. He also sent Hugh bishop of Durham, and other both spirituall and temporall persons, vnto William king of Scots, to gather the tenth likewise within his countrie, but he met them betwixt W [...]rk and Brightham,The king of Scots. and would not suffer them to enter into Scotland, but he offered to giue vnto the king of [page 112] England in recompense of the tenths, and for to haue againe his castels, the summe of 5000. marks of siluer, which could not be accepted. The French king likewise gathered the tenths in his countrie to|wards this intended iournie. But by the working of some wicked spirit (as we may well thinke) which en|uied the aduancement of the christian common|wealth,The good meaning of the two kings disappointed. Polydor. that good meaning of the two kings was broken and disappointed: for the peace latelie conclu|ded betwixt them continued not long vnuiolated.