[1] [2] Herewith they departed asunder, each one repai|ring to their countries to prouide their armies, and make them in a readinesse to set forward by a day towards this necessarie iournie. King Henrie com|ming to Chinon, by aduise of his councell, ordeined that euerie one of his subiects should yeeld a tenth part of his reuenues and mooueable goods for that yeare towards the aid of them in the holie land (corne of that yeares growth excepted, and also all armour,An aid gran|ted to them in the holie land. Wil. Paruus. horsses, bookes, apparell, ornaments of chappels, and pretious stones, which should not come in the rate of goods now taxed, nor be charged with this paiment.) Moreouer those knights and men of warre that were appointed to go in this iourneie paied nothing, but had that monie also towards their furniture, which were gathered of their tenants and farmers, how|beit burgesses and others that tooke vpon them the crosse without licence of their lords, paied his tenth, so that none of them went free.