[1] At this time king Henrie held his Christmasse at Gilford, Anno Reg. 33 1187 and shortlie after came one Octauianus a subdeacon cardinall,Octauianus a cardinall. and Hugh de Nouant from the court of Rome, sent as legats from pope Urbane into Ireland, that they might crowne earle Iohn the kings sonne king of that land. But king Henrie made a delaie therein,King Henrie passeth ouer into Nor|mandie. taking the legats with him into Normandie, whither he sailed at the same time, and landing at Wissand, he went from thence into Normandie, and shortlie after came to a communi|cation with the French king, at a place called Va|dum Sancti Remigij, where after much talke they could not agrée, by reason the French king deman|ded things vnreasonable, Ger. Dor. and so they departed with|out any thing concluded [sauing a truce] till after Whitsuntide.