[1] The French king required to haue the custodie of the infant Arthur, heire to Geffrey earle of Bri|taine: but king Henrie would in no wise grant thereto.Ambassadors sent to the French king. Wherefore he sent Walter archbishop of Rouen, William de Mandeuille earle of Albe|marle, and Ranulfe de Glandeuille lord cheefe iustice of England to the French court, to talke with king Philip about that matter, so that king Philip hauing heard them, was contented to staie from attemp|ting force till the feast of S. Hilarie. But in the meane time it chanced,Sir William de Walles. that one sir Richard de Wal|les a knight of the realme of France went about to fortifie a castell in a village that belonged to him cal|led Walles, situated betwixt Trie & Gisors. Where|vpon Henrie Uere (constable of Gisors vnder Wil|liam earle of Albemarle) was nothing content ther|with, and therefore got a companie togither, & went foorth to disturbe the worke. Upon this occasion the seruants of the said sir Richard de Walles came foorth, and encountred with him in the field, in somuch that Rafe the sonne of sir Richard de Walles was slaine, and the residue that were with him fled, many of them being sore beaten and wounded.