[1] The ladie Ermengard the vicount Beaumonts daughter, ma|ried to Willi|am king of Scots. About the same time also king Henrie gaue his coosen the ladie Ermengard (who was daughter to Richard Uicount Beaumount) in marriage vnto William king of Scotland, causing the archbishop of Canturburie to ioine them togither in the bond of matrimonie within the chappell at Woodstocke, where he kept great cheere in honour of that marri|age for the space of foure daies togither. And further he gaue at the same time vnto the king of Scots the castell of Edenbourgh:Castell of E|denbourgh. and the king of Scots streit|waies gaue it vnto his wife the forsaid Ermingard, as a portion of hir dower, augmented with an hun|dred pounds of lands by the yeare, and 40. knights fées.