[1] [2] The king was stirred with these words, and said vnto the patriarch,
Though all the men of the land were one bodie, and spake with one mouth, they durst [page 109] not vtter such words against me. No woonder (said the patriarch) for they loue thine and not thée; that is to say, they loue thy temporall goods, and stand in feare of thée for losse of promotion, but thy soule they loue not. And when he had so said, he offered his head to the king; saieng, Doo by me euen as thou diddest by archbishop Becket, for all is one to me, either to be slaine heere in Europe of a wicked christian, or in the holie land by a Saracen, for thou art woorse than a Saracen, and thy people follow the prey and spoile and not a man. The king kept his patience, and said, I may not go out of my land, for if I should, mine owne sonnes would rise and rebell against me. No maruell (said the patriarch) for of the diuell they came, and to the diuell they shall. And thus he depar|ted from the king in great displeasure. ¶Thus haue some written: but by others it appeareth that the pa|triarch remained here till the king went ouer into Normandie himselfe,Rash iudge|ment in an ho|lie father. in companie of whom the pa|triarch went also (as after shall appeare.)