[1] And whereas the archbishop of Colen came ouer into England this yeare to visit the toome of Tho|mas late archbishop of Canturburie,The archbish. of Colen. the king tra|uelled to make an agréement betwixt him and the Saxonish duke touching a certeine variance depen|ding [page 108] betwixt them, wherin the king did so much, that the archbishop forgaue all iniuries past, and so they were made fréends. Also by the counsell of the same archbishop the king sent Hugh Nouant archdeacon of Liseux and others,Hugh No|uant. ambassadours from him vnto pope Lucius, that by his helpe there might be made some waie to obteine a pardon for the said duke, and licence for him to returne into his countrie. Those that were sent demeaned themselues so discréetly in dooing their message, that the emperour comming where the pope then was, that is to say, at Uerona in Italie, at the earnest suit of the said pope was contented to release all his euill will which he bare towards the duke,The duke of Saxonie par|doned and re|uoked out of exile. pardoned him for all things past, and licenced him now at length to returne home in|to his countrie, his condemnation of exile being cléerlie reuoked.