[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] There rose about the same time occasion of strife and variance betwixt king Henrie and the French king, about the enioieng of the countrie lieng vpon Gisors, called Ueulquesine, on this side the riuer of Hept, which was giuen vnto king Henrie the sonne,Ueulquesine. in consideration of the marriage betwixt him and queene Margaret the French kings sister. For the French king now after the death of his brother in law king Henrie the sonne, required to haue the same restored vnto the crowne of France: but king Henrie was not willing to part with it.The kings of England and France talke togither. At length they met betwixt Trie and Gisors to talke of the matter, where they agréed that quéene Margaret the widow of the late deceased king Henrie the son, should receiue yearelie during hir life 1750 pounds of Aniouin monie at Paris, of king Henrie the fa|ther and his heires; in consideration whereof she should release and quit claime all hir right to those lands that were demanded, as Ueulquesine and o|thers. Shortlie after, Geffrey erle of Britaine came to his father, and submitting himselfe, was reconci|led to him, and also to his brother Richard earle of Poictow. Anno Reg. 30 Also I find that king Henrie at an enter|uiew had betwixt him and the French king at their accustomed place of meeting betwixt Trie and Gi|sors on saint Nicholas day, did his homage to the same French king for the lands which he held of him on that side the sea, which to doo till then he had refu|sed. The same yeare king Henrie held his Christmas at the citie of Mauns.