[1] [2] [3] His bodie after his death was conueied towards Rouen, N. Triue [...]. there to be buried accordinglie as he had willed: but when those that had charge to conueie it thither were come vnto the citie of Mauns, the bi|shop there and the cleargie would not suffer them to go any further with it, but committed it to buriall in honourable wise within the church of saint Iulian. Whereof when the citizens of Rouen were aduerti|sed, they were sore offended with that dooing, and streightwaies sent vnto them of Mauns, requiring to haue the corps deliuered, threatening otherwise with manie earnest oths to fetch it from them by force. Wherefore king Henrie, to set order in this matter, commanded that the corps of his sonne the king should be deliuered vnto them of Rouen to be buried in their citie, as he himselfe had willed before his death.The bodie of the yong king lastlie buried at Rouen. And so it was taken vp and conueied to Rouen, where it was eftsoones buried in the church of our ladie.