[1] [2] [3] [4] And whereas in his life time he had vowed to make a iourneie into the holie land against Gods enimies,His repen|tance before h [...]s death. and taken vpon him the crosse for that in|tent, he deliuered it vnto his familiar freend Willi|am Marshall to go thither with it in his stead. More|ouer when he perceiued present death at hand, he first confessed his sinnes secretlie, and after openly before sundrie bishops and men of religion, and receiued absolution in most humble wise. After this, he caused his fine clothes to be taken from him, and therewith a heare cloth to be put vpon him,A strange kind of super|stitious deuo|tion, if this report of our author be true and after tieng a cord about his necke, he said vnto the bishops and o|ther that stood by him;
I deliuer my selfe an vnwor|thie and greeuous sinner vnto you the ministers of God by this cord, beséeching our Lord Iesus Christ, which pardoned the théefe confessing his faults on the crosse, that through your praiers and for his great mercies sake it may please him to be mercifull vn|to my soule; wherevnto they all answered, Amen. Then he said vnto them,He is drawne out of his bed, a thing vnlike to be true. Draw me out of this bed with this cord, and laie me on that bed strawed with ashes (which he had of purpose prepared) and as he commanded so they did: and they laid at his feet and at his head two great square stones. Thus being pre|pared to die, he willed his bodie after his deceasse to be conueied into Normandie, and buried at Rouen.And so after he had receiued the sacrament of the bo|die and bloud of our Lord,His death. he departed this life as a|fore is said, about the 28. yeare of his age.