[1] He had a little before trauelled to set them at one, in somuch that where earle Richard held a ca|stell named Clareualx, which after the fathers de|ceasse ought to remaine vnto king Henrie the son, vpon his complaint thereof made, th [...] father did so much with the earle, that he surrendered it into his fathers hands.The father séeketh to ap|pease the qua|rell betwixt his sonnes. Immediatlie after all the three sonnes came to Angers, and there sware to be obedient vn|to their fathers will, and to serue him against all men: whervpon he appointed them a daie to meet at Mirabell, where the barons of Guien should also be, vnto whom king Henrie the sonne had sworne to aid them against earle Richard. Herewith was earle Geffrey sent vnto them to persuade them to peace and quietnesse,Earle Geffrey dealeth vn|faithfullie. and to come vnto Mirabell according to king Henrie the fathers appointment: but in stéed of persuading them to peace (contrarie to his oth so oftentimes receiued) he procured them to pur|sue the warre both against his father and his brother earle Richard: and no maruell, for
Malè sarta gratia nunquam benè coalescit.